Yes, your ‘sustainable’ journey has to start somewhere, so why not try our ‘plant-based’ diet with an OmniMeat lunch at Flow Oasis Pool Lounge. Available from now to 13th March 2022; also, for in-room dining.

Luncheon meat is one of Asia’s most popular processed meats, but its potential health risks often concern consumers. With OmniMeat, you’ll be on zero calories, zero MSG, and very little fat or salt. You’ll also avoid all the hormones, antibiotics, carcinogenic nitrates and preservatives found in regular canned luncheon and processed meat products! If preventing animal cruelty is high on your list, this is cruelty-free, healthy, veggie, non-GMO and Buddhist-friendly!

Here are just a few of the delights that await:
• Classic Fillet – Plant-based fish-style fillets
• OmniTuna – Plant-based tuna-style flakes in oil
• Golden Fillet – Plant-based fried fish-style fillets
• Crab Cake – Plant-based crab-style cake

The main ingredients of OmniMeat include soy and sunflower oils, which are high in protein. Sunflower oil is a high-quality source of polyunsaturated fats, leaving you with a meal rich in protein, potassium, calcium and high fibre for a far fitter lifestyle!
For reservations, please contact:
Tel: 0 2672 0200
LINE: @ChatriumSathon / https://lin.ee/gdjSMV0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChatriumResidenceSathonBangkok/
Email: fb.crst@chatrium.com